We can provide help with all manner of family-assisted, shared mortgage arrangements, to help you secure that dream home for a loved one, from gifted deposits to guarantor mortgages and even joint mortgage, sole proprietor arrangements.

Property Assist

Our Property Assist mortgage allows us to lend 100 per cent of the purchase price of a property for first-time buyers who can’t raise their own deposit. We offer the opportunity for their parents or other close family members to secure the equivalent of a 20 per cent deposit against their home in the form of a legal charge. Find out more on our dedicated Property Assist page.

Income Assist

We accept traditional guarantors, assessing them for affordability in the same way as the borrowers themselves. We also offer joint borrower sole proprietor arrangements where you can have 2-4 applicants on the mortgage, but only the occupiers are named on the title deeds of the property. The non-occupier borrower must be able to individually afford at least 50% of the monthly payment at the affordability stress level. The primary borrower (occupier) needs to be able afford the remaining element.

And we can help all generations – from parents and grandparents wanting to help younger family members, to adult children assisting their parents in getting a mortgage for their later years, where their pension income won’t quite stretch.

Affordability Calculator

Repayment Calculator

Next Steps

Why not take advantage of our Repayment and Affordability calculators, view our rates and give us a call or request a call back to discuss your requirements? We’re here to help you start your mortgage journey…

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

View our Family-assist and other rates

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Our caring team will go out of their way to get to know your circumstances, and wherever possible say ‘yes’

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