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Keeping it in the family

“The whole team take a pragmatic approach to things and you can just pick up the phone and speak to them whenever you need to.”

Suzanne Wadsworth knows a good mortgage experience when she sees one – the former mortgage consultant still works in the finance industry and has oodles of knowledge about what makes a good deal and, more importantly for her, great service. 

Suzanne and husband Roger have been with the Society for many years. After 22 years living in Cottingham, they took their Society mortgage with them when they moved to their bungalow in North Ferriby several years ago.

Then, their son Tom decided to buy his own place. As a newly self-employed electrician, securing a mortgage by himself was challenging. Setting his heart on a quaint cottage in the picturesque East Riding village of Brantingham, Suzanne hatched a masterplan to help him out.

“We remortgaged our own home to fund Tom’s purchase,” she explained. “It was a bit of a rush after we made an offer on the property and the seller accepted it! 

I contacted the Beverley’s Head of Lending Graham, who I’ve dealt with professionally and personally for years, knowing he would be the ideal person to approach, and he was indeed able to help.” 

A couple of years later, when Tom was in a position to re-mortgage the property in his own name, Graham and the team also helped him make that transition.

Now, Tom’s on the move again, setting up home with girlfriend Alex in Barton-on-Humber, so we’re assisting with that purchase too.

And this family affair doesn’t stop there! Suzanne said: “My daughter Abi was living in Leighton Buzzard and decided to come back up north to live and work. She really wanted to buy her own place but we realised getting a mortgage wouldn’t be straightforward as her new job status wasn’t permanent, plus her partner was still looking for a job.

“I offered to be guarantor on her mortgage and, with the Society’s help, she was able to buy a lovely semi-detached house in a Hull village. Now she’s in a permanent job lecturing at a local college and her partner is also working full-time, so they couldn’t be happier.”

Suzanne has high praise: “The whole team take a pragmatic approach to things and you can just pick up the phone and speak to them whenever you need to.”

For the Wadsworth family, the true value of their mortgages isn’t just about the competitive rates, it’s about the time and effort the Society invests in its members, and being treated as a human being, not a statistic.

“You know you can speak to the right person at any time, or ring or email and receive a timely response,” said Suzanne.

Mortgages – for us they’re personal

The Wadsworths’ experience reflects, in one family, areas we specialise in like mortgages for self-employed people and inter-family borrowing, where a more personal and pragmatic approach is often needed.

In an era of computer-aided decisions, we understand that borrowers are individuals and often they – and their circumstances – don’t fit a formula. That’s why our dedicated team go out of their way to get to know you personally to decide whether, and how much, to lend to you. 

Other areas of particular expertise include mortgages for self-build initiatives and later-life loans to support your retirement aspirations. 

We keep things as simple as possible, with a straightforward range of two and three-year discounted deals, and always do our best to say ‘yes’.